Katie is, like, available.
And she’s got lots to say.
She preaches and teaches;
she leads workshops,
seminars, and retreats;
she consults with church leaders.
These are some of her favorite topics:
In which it’s not enough anymore for the church to say, “All are welcome!” because “welcome” presumes that people who are drowning in bad news are gonna slog across your threshold to add fellowship dinners and trunk-r-treats to their crammed gig-economy calendar. What is your church saying that’s actually good, and actually news? What could it be saying?
MIssional Priorities
In which we banish the bland “loving each other and serving our neighbors in Jesus’ name” mission statement printed on your church’s stationery and ask, as specifically as we can, “What is this church for? What exactly has God called and equipped us to do? Who would miss us if we were gone?” With Post-Its, prayer, and positivity, Katie leads exercises to help your church find its reason-for-being.
In which Katie tells the truth about how hard it is to start something new in this skeptical, stingy world. And how lovely it is when lonely people find companionship, eating and drinking in Jesus’s name, embodying the gospel as a subversive conspiracy of inclusive love.
Money, Money, Money
In which we investigate the biblical theology of financial stewardship as resistance to an economy that depends on our dissatisfaction, materialism, and distractibility; and perversely celebrates the “grind” and our perpetual exhaustion. And/or we examine how the church allocates its resources and communicates its priorities through narrative budgeting. Also, yeah, some practices for financial generosity in the 21st century
In which we talk about whichever book of Katie’s your small group just read, preferably over a glass of wine. By Zoom or IRL, ask her for the stories behind the stories, and what it feels like to make her church’s life (and her own evolving Christian faith) so transparent.
LGBTQ+ Inclusion
In which Katie makes the case for the biblical-theological necessity of God’s queerly beloveds in the church, because without the gracious presence of the religiously marginalized we are no church at all. If your church is considering becoming “open and affirming,” or if you need help to articulate what your heart already knows, this is for you.